I had never heard of Det Eviga Leendet before and if Encyclopaedia
Metallum is to be believed that would make sense as they’re a new band
and Lenience is their first album. For a debut it’s surprisingly
strong and bleak affair. One can probably pigeonhole this as mostly
atmosphereic black metal, but thinking of it only as such probably
does everyone a disservice as it blend of industrial, post-metal, and
ambient parts really make this hard to define. The vocals are caustic,
so much that they might be too much for some, but I like the
desperation they lend the songs. In many ways the album builds up and
each song is in some ways better than the previous ones, with the two
closing tracks being the best ones. It will be interesting to see what
they come up with after such a debut.
Det Eviga Leendet
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